Is It Possible to Get Cavities Between Teeth?

Every time you brush your teeth, you're also looking for the well-known signs of tooth decay - discoloration and brown or black spots on the surface of the tooth. 

But, did you know that cavities can also form between teeth and are not that easy to spot? 

What You Need to Know About Interproximal Cavities

To answer the article's question, yes, you can get a cavity between your teeth. They are known as interproximal cavities and develop just like regular decay. As plaque accumulates in these areas, the acid produced by bacteria weakens the enamel until it creates an entry point for the bacteria. 

Interproximal cavities are one of the reasons Dr. Omar Amin stresses so much about the importance of regular flossing in addition to brushing. Brushing alone does not effectively clean the spaces between teeth, so it's important to use dental floss or an interdental cleaner to remove food particles from these areas.

Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also crucial because they can allow Dr. Amin to remove stubborn plaque from hard-to-reach areas in your mouth and detect any dental issues early. 

Signs You Have a Cavity in Between Your Teeth 

Recognizing a cavity between your teeth can be more challenging than spotting one on the surface because it's not directly visible. However, some symptoms could indicate the presence of an interproximal cavity:

  • A persistent or sporadic toothache 
  • Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. 
  • If your floss tends to break in a particular spot, it might be because a cavity is causing roughness or unevenness between the teeth.
  • Bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth
  • Bleeding gums around one or two specific teeth. 

How Is a Cavity Between Teeth Treated? 

The process of treating an interproximal cavity is similar to treating a cavity on any other part of the tooth. 

First, the dentist will examine the tooth and even ask for an X-ray to confirm the presence of a cavity and determine its extent.

Once Dr. Amin has all the details, he will numb the affected tooth and then proceed to remove the decay. 

After the decayed part has been removed and the tooth has been cleaned, the dentist will restore it. Finally, he will polish the tooth to make it smooth and prevent plaque and bacteria from sticking to the surface.

Do You Suspect an Interproximal Cavity? Call Us Now! 

If you're experiencing tooth pain and discomfort, but can't see any visible sign of decay, you may be dealing with an interproximal cavity. It's always a good idea to come by Flo Dentistry and have Dr. Omar Amin have a look at your teeth and determine the best course of action. 

You can get in touch with us and request your appointment by sending a message online or calling (713) 893-5526.

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